Life in Lockdown: Tayla Massel Lalwinya Cottage, Lorne VIC

Talya, where abouts in Victoria are you located?

 I live in Malvern (Melbourne)

What 'bush business' do you operate? How long have you been doing this? 

I operate a working farm  in Deans Marsh which also operates as a “farm stay” holiday destination. I have had the farm for 5 years but just starting farm stays in the last few months

How are you coping with Stage 3/4 lockdown? How has it impacted you, financially? Mentally & physically?

I think that the first lockdown was a novelty and we all thought that it would end fully and our lives would return to normal. Stage 4 here in melbourne is brutal the kids are completely over online learning and feeling disconnected from their friends. I am also feeling anxious at the depravation of liberty and not being able to plan anything in the future. Financially I am down 60%. 

How do you feel your wider community is coping? What is the general feel around your area?

There isn’t a lot of Covid in my area but people are generally following the rules all be it reluctantly as there is a real sense of wanting to get back on with our lives.

Is there anything you are doing day to day that you find is helping you get through, that you would like to share with others?

Whilst I don’t necessarily agree with all the things in place I try to remain positive and look for the good in every situation.

Looking forward to when you can finally re-open, what are you planning to make the experience of visiting & staying in the bush even more exciting for our city friends?

Encouraging city peeps to get out into the farm life and remind themselves of the beauty of nature to pick the fresh veggies in the garden and to encourage them to cook and eat!!!

What are you most looking forward to on the other side of lockdown?

Drinking Rose on the porch at the farm and watching the sun go down with friends!!!!


Life in Lockdown: Sarah Pihan - Ruffy Farm, Euroa VIC